How to do a Blue Lotus tea ceremony 𓆸

How to do a Blue Lotus tea ceremony 𓆸

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment?

Prepare to uplift your spirit with the transformative magic of the Blue Lotus Tea ceremony—a soul-nourishing ritual designed to ignite your inner spark and illuminate your path to self-empowerment.

Step 1: Create your space

Begin by creating a sacred sanctuary for your Blue Lotus Tea ceremony—an oasis of tranquillity where you can connect with your inner wisdom, not be disturbed and embrace your power within. Surround yourself with flowers, crystals, meaningful objects and a comfortable space to sit, infusing your space with positivity and possibility, you may want to burn Palo Santo, sage or light a candle.

Step 2: Make your tea

Gather the ingredients for your Blue Lotus Tea ceremony, recognizing each element as a gift from Mother Nature herself. As you hold the delicate Blue Lotus petals in your hands, feel the energy of renewal and transformation coursing through your veins. Embrace the opportunity to tap into the limitless potential that resides within you.

Step 3: Brew Courage and Confidence

With unwavering determination and a heart full of courage, brew your Blue Lotus Tea, infusing the water with the essence of empowerment and self-belief. Allow the gentle aroma of the tea to envelop you, igniting a sense of purpose and clarity that will guide you on your journey to self-empowerment.  

Step 4: Sit in silence

with your eyes closed and focus on your intention while the tea steeps for 3 to 5 mins, though if you go over that's OK to.  Most important thing is to connect with your intention and how that intention will influence your life.

Step 4: Sip with Intention

As you sip your Blue Lotus Tea with your eyes of a soft gaze or closed, affirm your inherent worthiness and embrace your inner strength with every swallow. Visualize yourself stepping into your power with confidence and grace, releasing self-doubt and embracing self-love with each sip. Allow the transformative energy of the tea to nourish your spirit and fuel your dreams.

Step 5: Embrace Your Authenticity

Invite authenticity and vulnerability into your Blue Lotus Tea ceremony, recognizing that true empowerment begins with embracing your authentic self. Celebrate your unique gifts and talents, honouring the journey that has brought you to this moment. Embrace the beauty of imperfection and trust in your ability to create the life you desire.  You may desire to Sing, Dance, self pleasure, play an instrument or sit in silence in this time, what ever you decided to do, do it with loving presence and awareness, no judgement.

Step 6: Give Gratitude

As your Blue Lotus Tea ceremony draws to a close, turn to gratitude and let it bask in the glow of empowerment that surrounds you. Feel the fire of passion and purpose burning brightly within, propelling you forward on your path to greatness. Carry the spirit of gratitude with you as you navigate life's challenges, knowing that you possess the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle.

With unwavering belief in your potential,

Here's some suggested affirmations to say:


  1. "I am a force of nature, empowered by my own inner strength and resilience."


  1. "With every sip of Blue Lotus Tea, I awaken to my limitless potential and embrace my true essence."


  1. "Today, I choose to honour the journey that has brought me here, recognizing that every experience has shaped me into the empowered individual I am today."


  1. "In the quiet moments of reflection, I discover the courage to step into my authenticity and shine my light brightly upon the world."


  1. "As I sip this sacred elixir, I affirm my worthiness and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie within me."


  1. "With each breath, I release fear and doubt, allowing my spirit to soar freely and confidently towards my dreams."


  1. "I am the architect of my destiny, empowered to create a life of purpose, passion, and joy."


  1. "In the embrace of the Blue Lotus Tea, I find solace, strength, and renewal, knowing that I am supported by the universe in every moment."


  1. "I stand in my power, grounded in the knowledge that I am worthy of love, abundance, and success."


  1. "Today, I celebrate the warrior within me, resilient in the face of adversity, and empowered to conquer any challenge that comes my way."


Feel free to choose and adapt these quotes to suit the tone and intention of your Blue Lotus Tea ceremony.

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